![]() This week was my birthday week! I was showered with so many birthday wishes, phone calls, messages, and love that at one point I actually felt myself feeling overwhelmed. I caught myself feeling anxious, pulling back, and almost wanting to hide. What was this all about I thought? In the past, I spent my birthday yarning for love and wanting support. Now I have it and I am withdrawing? Do you ever feel like you have people supporting you but you still feel alone? Or people try to give you gifts and you turn them down or say “awww thank you but I can’t take that”? Are you afraid of trusting people or letting them in because you are afraid you might get hurt? The month of October I have been reflecting a lot on my relationships with my loved ones, friends, and even YOU! I realized that I have been afraid to fully let people in and be 100% of myself so I have been wearing a shield (I even gained about 3-5lbs). I was scared I wouldn’t be liked or I would be abandoned. In doing this I have been holding myself back from receiving love and true abundance! The Truth Behind the Shield
Early in life I learned to wear a shield to protect myself from getting hurt by others. I was afraid if people saw the “real” me, I would be too much or not good enough. I was afraid I wouldn’t be loved and I would be abandoned. So I put a wall up, didn’t let people in, and even managed to push people away. As a teenager and young adult, I carried a shield of excess weight. I was my own biggest critic, I was constantly judging myself. This left me feeling the things I feared the most, isolated, alone, misunderstood, and in physical pain. The past few years I have learned to love myself, my body, and my life more than I have ever imagined I could. Reflecting on my relationship the past few weeks, I realized that there are parts of me that I have still been hiding. I have been afraid of fully being out in the open, so once again I grabbed my shield (extra weight). I have been compromising/ minimizing myself to be accepted and liked and I haven’t been fully open with others! In doing that I have also been limiting myself, my creativity, my potential, and my ability to fully receive the abundance I desire. Do you ever put up walls because you are afraid of what others might think or how they will react? Deep down on some leave we all crave love, acceptance, connection, and to be received. I have realized that in order for us to fully be received by others; we must first, fully receive ourselves! It is our own walls that keep us from allowing people in, and allowing others the opportunity to receive us! In the book “Will the Real Me Please Stand Up”, John Powell says “You are a gift to be given”. Each time you share yourself you are sharing a gift! I am ready to share myself with YOU, my clients, and my practice! Coming out of the Spiritual Closet I have been afraid to share this because I know that the work I do is not for everyone. It can be really scary and it takes someone willing to be very vulnerable. My old fears of being judged, misunderstood, or abandon have come up. But I have realized, that hiding this part of myself has lead me to start judging myself… feeling like I am not doing a good enough job, like I am not being true to myself, and I’m not helping my clients as much as I can. I am ready to let down this wall and release this excess weight that is no longer serving me. My Spiritual Journey Spirituality has been a huge part of my life since I was a young and now I am ready for it to be part of my private practice. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic School k-12 grade. As a little girl I was fascinated by angels, the Blessed Mother, and the Holy Spirit. I could feel when they were with me. I can remember when my grandmother taught me how to meet my guardian angel. I think I was about 7 and I was so excited! I couldn’t soak in enough of the spiritual world! I wanted so badly to see, hear, and feel them! As a sophomore in high school I attended a charismatic retreat. I had never felt so safe and so loved. I experienced the Holy Spirit’s gift of laughter and tears! I felt so consumed; my heart was bursting with love and overflowing with joy! Summer of 2010, I volunteered at a Yoga/ Retreat center I experienced spirit in a whole new way and my healing gifts were ignited and taken to the next level. I became super sensitive to energy, spirit, emotions, and my intuition became stronger. As, I healed wounded parts of myself and started to let down my walls I started to feel others emotions and where they held emotional (energetic) blocks in their body. The past few years I have come to understand, develop, and strengthen my healing gifts and intuition and now I am ready to share them with you! I have been truly amazed by the transformations, healing, and growth that has taken place with the clients who have been open to exploring emotional/ spiritual blocks and incorporating energy healing in their sessions. Now Is the Time The next few weeks (Oct 22- Nov 10) is an extra special and powerful time for healing. Mercury is in Retrograde in Scorpio, which is a time when old patterns, beliefs, or relationships may come up. You may feel like things are moving backwards and you may even think “not this again”.
Have you been holding yourself back because you are afraid you wont be accepted? Have you be giving too much and settling for less than you deserve? What parts of yourself are you being called to explore this retrograde? My Invitation to You If you are tired of experiencing the same old patterns in your health, love life(or lack of love life), or in your relationship with yourself (inner critic and judgment) and you are ready to release them once and for all I invite you to schedule a complementary phone session with me. I want to offer you the opportunity to get to know how I work and if I can help you. I truly believe with all my heart that our wounds (pain, weight, health, relationships, etc) are the door way to our health and happiness. And I want to help you dive in deep, let down your walls, and uncover what's really underneath the surface so you can get the TRANSFORMATION/ REBIRTH and ABUNDANCE you desire! Click here to schedule a complementary feel fabulous session.
1 Comment
Carol A. Aghayan
10/29/2013 07:40:33 pm
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